Mental Health in Primary Care:
A Resource for New Zealand Health Professionals

Author(s): Kay Laracy, Wendy Trimmer
Edition: 2nd edition
ISBN: 9781877192470
Publisher: Whitireia Publishing
Published: 1 January 2011
Publication Country: New Zealand
Number of Pages: 120
Dimensions: Width 148mm / Height 210mm
Format: Trade Paperback / Paperback

A quarter of all New Zealanders struggle with their mental health at some stage in their lives, and early intervention can have a significant impact on recovery. Mental Health in Primary Care: A Resource for New Zealand Health Professionals increases understanding of mental health and how to respond to mental distress, providing the tools needed to make a difference when working with tāngata whaiora (people seeking wellness) in primary health settings.

This quick-reference guide to the most common mental health conditions explains how to recognise signs and symptoms of mental distress, how to provide initial help and how to guide a person towards appropriate professional help. It contains information and flowcharts to lead the reader through various options for supporting people who are experiencing mental distress.

Along with a new section on dementia, and information on trauma and stress related disorders, this second edition revises the chapters from the original text to include contemporary mental health and addiction models and to ensure a greater focus on physical health and wellbeing.

Price $32.45 plus P&P is $7.50.

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